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College Options

MVCTC not only helps you get started in your career, it makes college much more affordable!

  • Over 85% of MVCTC students receive a college scholarship each year
  • Over 60% of MVCTC graduates continue their education at a college, university, or technical school

MVCTC partners with many college partners, giving MVCTC students many opportunities to earn college credit and scholarship money while still in high school.

The following information explains the opportunities for students to earn college credit in career-technical education.  Students have three options for earning college credit at Miami Valley Career Technology Center (MVCTC).

College Credit Plus

Students qualified under Ohio’s College Credit Plus (CCP) program may choose to enroll in CCP courses.  If a student qualifies, the course can be used by partner districts to meet the 15 and 30 credit hour pathway requirements set forth by CCP.  To be eligible to participate, a student must meet the participating college’s established placement standards for college-level courses.  Students who are eligible for enrollment in CCP classes offered at the MVCTC may have the opportunity to earn dual credit from Clark State Community College (CSCC) and/or Sinclair Community College (SCC), in the following academic and elective courses*:

Course College Semester Hours
Calculus (MTH 2200) CSCC 5
Elementary Statistics I (STT 2640) CSSS 3
Elementary Statistics II (STT 2650) CSSS 2
Anatomy & Physiology 1 (BIO 1141/7) SCC 4
American Sign Language 1 (ASL 1111) SCC 3
American Sign Language 2 (ASL 1112) SCC 3
English Composition I  (ENG 1101) SCC 3
English Composition II (ENG 1201) SCC 3
American Fed. Government (PLS 1120) SCC 3
General Psychology (PSY 1100) SCC 3
Public Speaking (COM 2211) SCC 3
… many other courses available    


*Course offerings are subject to change based upon enrollment and the approval of our College Credit Plus partners.  Other CCP opportunities may be available within specific career-technical labs or to participants in specific career-technical labs.

Tech Prep

MVCTC students also have the potential to earn college credits and/or industry credentials through the Miami Valley Tech Prep Consortium at Sinclair Community College or other partnering institutes of higher education (IHEs).  For more information regarding Tech Prep visit

Career-Technical Credit Transfer

The third option for students is through Ohio’s (CT)2program.  Students who successfully complete specified technical programs are eligible to have technical credit transferred to public colleges and universities.  The transfer of credit is described in Career-Technical Assurance Guides (CTAG).  More information regarding approved programs and courses can be found at the following website:

Please feel free to contact Mr. Charles Brads at or (937) 854-6380 if you have questions regarding College Credit Plus or Mrs. Rhonda Phillips at or (937) 854-6674 for questions regarding Tech Prep or (CT)2.  Specific questions related to a student’s transcript or his/her career-technical program can be addressed by contacting their counselor through the MVCTC Student Services Department at (937) 854-6256.

*Course offerings are subject to change based upon enrollment and the approval of our College Credit Plus partners

Work-Based Learning

Apprenticeship/Internship opportunities link secondary education, post-secondary education, business, industry, and government together to provide a seamless career path for high school students. Well-planned and supervised school-based and work-based learning experiences are the foundation for the program. The Apprenticeship program allows students to work and earn a paycheck - while learning skills and earning the certifications that employers want. Registered Apprenticeship provides more than 500,000 apprentices across the U.S. with industry-specific education, on-the-job training, nationally recognized certifications, and guaranteed wage increases. Apprenticeships have a defined timeline of training over 2-4 years, while internships do not have the timeline and do not need to be registered.

For more information click here